Adding Music to Movies Evaluation - Captain America

by 07:38 0 comments
Creating Own Sound using Garageband...

With the first clip I created my own sounds and Effects using Garageband, I wanted to make this as dramatic as possible as its an action scene which is set in an elevator and normally elevator scenes tend to have typical calm elevator music. The music I created in garageband focus around Captain America and the way he looks around intensely and so I wanted to create that type of mood with the Sound and Sound Effects.

Using Sound from the Internet...

Throughout the second version of the Sound experimentation, I wanted to use digetic music that you would normally find in a elevator to make the scene more realistic and while all the action happens the Elevator music is quieter so that we can all the fighting and acton happening in the scene. Also the digetic music changed the mood that it portrays as the one I made myself was more of a intense sound whereas this one is more calm and relaxing.

I prefer the second one out of the two I created because its more realistic and would be something you would hear in an elevator.



Hi. This is my Media Upper Sixth Blog


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